Mike in Manila - Old Photos and Memories
Monday, May 29, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
An old Palawan Post card- christmas 1945!
Some Old views of my hometown - all taken from the Archives of the US Government in the public domain of the National Archives.
The postcard was made for GI's and Airmen stationed on the Island to send back home to famlies in the U.S.
Honda Bay is in the background.
In another picture below was the more common scene at this beach with over 40,000 US troops mostly male - on the island.

Malaria - rampant at that time kept them close to the Base and they seldom really mixed with locals over fears of TB which was another problem.
The Island was major base for pounding Japanese forces in Dutch Harbor and other parts of the Borneo Area it was supposed to be used as staging area for then British Borneo and Brunei or what is now present day.

The Japanese britality was not only for the locals - the American POW's who were in violation of the Geneva Convention brought to Puerto Princesa were later executed inside a air raid shelter.

Some did escape to tell the tale and it led to the rescue at cabantatuan or the great raid recently made into a movie.
The picture on the right is the mass grave near the air raid shalter that the remians of the massacred POW's were recovered from while above is the gate of the Old Philippine Constabulary camp the Japanese made into the prison camp and Kempetai HQ.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Pandacan & shopping

I wonder what is there now in this little spot?
seems so far gone a time when there was space in this area now filled with homes and indusrty and development on both shores.

Rizal Avenue - now this are has changed and how!
It's always good to look back and see how things were and know how some things never change.
If you zoom in there's a warning to shoppers about pickpockets in the area.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Luneta from long ago...
Old photograhps have a way speaking volumes more than anyone can write- I'll post from time to time here... stuff I've found over the years... working my beat. these three below come from even before my grandparents were born!!!While reseaching a story I came across these on the pages of the US national archives - they are open pictures... and credit is required to US National Archives UM collection philippine Islands...
View from Newly constructed Manila Hotel entrance of Luneta

Another view -

No granstand yet -- I'm not even sure there is grass growing!

Below: Modern view... gives you an idea although this photo isn't that recent either but a lot newer than than those above ! At least it's from this century!